Monday, September 1, 2008

Amy Goodman Arrested!!!

Journalist Amy Goodman Arrested in St Paul.

If Barack Obama’s Speech in the Denver stadium was reminiscent of the recent Olympic games in Beijing the Republican Convention in St. Paul also reminds us of the Chinese big event with a crackdown on the independent press and brutal intolerance of protest.

Allison Kilkenny reporting on the Huffington Post "Goodman was arrested along with Democracy Now producers Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar. As of 9:15 PM EST, the Ramsey County jail has charged Goodman with "conspiracy to riot" and released her, but is still detaining Kouddous and Salazar. No charges have been pressed against them."

On Glenn Greenwald reports, "Beginning last night, St. Paul was the most militarized I have ever seen an American city be, even more so than Manhattan in the week of 9/11 -- with troops of federal, state and local law enforcement agents marching around with riot gear, machine guns, and tear gas cannisters, shouting military chants and marching in military formations. Humvees and law enforcement officers with rifles were posted on various buildings and balconies. Numerous protesters and observers were tear gassed and injured."

"Perhaps most extraordinarily, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now -- the radio and TV broadcaster who has been a working journalist for close to 20 years -- was arrested on the street and charged with "conspiracy to riot."

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