Tuesday, May 20, 2008

She Works Hard For The Money

This morning I received the survey Ask a Working Woman in my email. Usually stuff like that that goes straight to my trash but I had something to say to Working America and the AFL-CIO. They say they will report the results of the survey to congress.

I've spent almost all of my working life on San Juan Island. Like many people in rural communities and especially women with childcare issues I work part time. In fact I've never had a full time job though I have often worked more than one part time job. I've worked in restaurants, the Convalescent Center and the fish cannery. I've taught Pre-School, worked in a bookstore and worked at the Whale Museum. I've painted silk, framed photography and taught drawing classes. I've washed dishes, steered boats, and oh yes, I have put my hand into other peoples toilets and picked up their used dental floss. Because I work part time I get less pay. I have no retirement, no health insurance and no sick pay. If all of this sounds familiar please fill out the survey. Let Working America, the AFL-CIO and congress know what you think.

Link to: Working Women's Survey
Link to: Working America
Link to: AFL-CIO


  1. You inspired me to check my town's statistics to see how I measure up. One third of my fellow residents have advanced college degrees, one quarter are self-employed, and one half make over $100,000. Two out of three--not bad.
